HR Management Recruitment

Top Qualities To Look For In a Potential Candidate

Employee turnover and hiring new employees are both costly and time-consuming affairs. Organizations should make efforts to retain top employees and take thoughtful decisions to avoid a loss later. Therefore, as an HR manager, it is important to recognize the specific traits that differentiate average employees from the top-performing talent in the market. 

On average, each corporate job offer attracts 250 resumes.

Hiring the right fit for your company from the vast list of applicants is no mean feat. For maximum success, it is important to hire candidates who stay for the long haul, are a fit for the company’s culture, and make lasting contributions to the business. While it might be impossible to make a perfect judgment always, there are a few qualities that can determine whether a candidate will prove to be the right fit for the organization or not. Irrespective of the specific job role, these attributes should be present in every potential employee. 

Let’s dive in!

  • Positive attitude

Hiring candidates with the right attitude towards the job can transform your entire process. These candidates are self-driven and motivated to perform well. People with an upbeat outlook towards the job can create a vibrant, productive, and happy work environment. 

  • Teamwork

The ability to perform and gel well with a team is an attribute of a great employee. Team workers motivate others and raise the overall efficiency of your business. During interviews ask if employees have collaborated, advised, or contributed in any form with colleagues of previous organizations. 

  • Ability to produce results

During interviews, potential employees are often requested to demonstrate their skill set by completing a task or work on a project. This gives hiring managers a better idea of their abilities, thought processes, creativity, and to see how they handle pressure. Employees who continue to maintain a calm composure while continuing to meet expectations become a valued part of the organization.

  • Self-motivated

Self-motivated employees take initiative and get their job done with minimal supervision. Self-motivated employees also inspire the performance of others thereby raising the productivity levels of the organization. 

  • Attention to details

Detail-oriented applicants do meticulous work with the chance for error considerably reduced. Sending a sloppy resume, poor drafting of emails, inaccuracies in exams conducted by the organization, not responding on time, are all potential red flags and show the attitude a person holds towards the job role.

  • Good communication skills

Good communication skills don’t necessarily mean mastery over a particular language. Understand the applicant’s communication skills verbally or even from their body language. Gravitate towards employees who demonstrate good and engaging communication skills, are receptive to feedback, and ask the right questions. 

  • Leadership

Even in entry-level positions, employers are looking for leadership attributes in potential candidates. People who demonstrate values of leadership, are go-getters and can take initiative and lead by example.

  • Confident

Self-assured employees aren’t afraid of taking risks or walking the extra mile to meet expectations. Confident employees help their colleagues and demonstrate great leadership qualities. Strive to hire employees who are confident during the interview process, and are eager to be a part of the business.

  • Strong work ethic

Organizations go for candidates who demonstrate dependability, responsibility, and consistency in their job performance. A strong work ethic determines the seriousness of a candidate towards a job role and is responsible for their successful stint with the company.

  • Ambitious

Ambitious employees have a set career plan and are more driven towards achieving their goals. They continuously drive for advancement and are generally self-motivated when it comes to achieving their future plan. Ambitious employees are an important asset to the organization.

Regardless of the industry or the specific job role, these are certain key qualities that define a good candidate who can be the right fit for the company. Hiring the right candidate can positively affect the culture, mindset, and productivity of the organization.